maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Grace Sister..

I always get this from my friends.. “U both look so close together..”
Yep, I am trying hard to pull over our gap..
It is not as easy as what they have seen..In fact, we’re not that close pun..
It is so hard for me to understand what’s in her head..But that did not affect my love to her, my only little sis.. =)

So this is kinda more like a fun entry bout me & my sis..owh, and of course there are biases since I am judging myself on my own thought.. hihi..
Here it goes..

The Big Sister: Known as a stubborn person, quite loud & hard in words & actions..Independent..Like to talk and to be heard..Able to do hard work..Thinking type..What she wants, she will always fight hard to get it..Follows her heart almost all of time..Kurang sabar..Love sports..Not so good in love relationship..Sporty dress-up..Unhealthy (abs problem..) Love day-dreaming..Average social life..Like to share..medium body type..

The Small Sister: Stubborn too.. Don’t like to talk much.. Love to be alone.. Body is not so strong (buat kerja berat sikit pun xleh..) So soft in words & actions..Follows her head almost all of time..Love arts & musics..Good in love relationship (many boyfies..) hot chicks dress-up..skinny, lean body type..unhealthy (lung problem..) Love day-dreaming..Low social life..Don’t like to share things..Love to keep things alone..Doing things in her own way, don’t ever dare to interrupt! =)

Hahaha..Bukan senang to get all these info..and I do believe there is a lot more, tapi x larat la nak gali dalam2.. by the time being, I am still trying to understand her well..from what I can see, we got so much differences..tuh yg nak berbual pun susah..

I don’t really care how she is..We might be so different..But there’s 1 thing for sure that I know, I will always love her with all my heart.. =)

p/s: Happy birthday my little sister! Sweet 22 years old, u look like secondary school students aii.. =)

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