maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Untold stories: The Married..

There's this one young bright man and a happy woman..
Two different life, in one land..
They live a happy life until they meet each other..
I don't know if the love have ever exist or not, but they do married..


There are rumors saying that the woman have to married the man, as to pay a big dept.. (kind of)
Both families too, agreed with the plan..
But things just don't get so easy when it comes to the heart matter..
I think both of them tried their very best to protect the marriage..
But it's not like what you have seen in dramas, where the hero will later fall in love with the heroin and he tries to win back her heart.. Nope, it's so far from the reality..


They said, there will always be a happy ending.. If it's not happy, then it's not the ending yet..
Yes, they are happy now.. 
They have love in their heart and smiles on their faces..
But.. They are no longer together..
They are happy living life in their own way, own decisions..

~~~ Tbc

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ujian Personaliti Kiersey

Found out this one too, give it a try.. =)

Here is my result..

Life's natural organizers : Dependable, accountable, responsible. The quintessential manager type. A no-frills, work-hard/play-hard sort. Lives by the bottom line and can be very cost-conscious. Work comes first, then family and community (describes 6% of the general population, 30% of the U.S. military).

Heart touching video about a perfect father

I'm looking for which is real and which is not..

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Juz a saying..

Sometimes, a stranger feels closer like a family & family feels so far like a stranger..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You note..

I haven't updated my blog for some time..
I think it's not that long but someone did remind me of that..
It must be that she often visits my page.. hihi..
and I realize that there's an increasing number of viewers..
mostly from the unknown viewers..
I'm glad that they're liking this, my voice.. =)
So I would like to take this oppurtunity to THANK YOU so much, for the times you've spent here..

I never really have expected this blog might have viewers as I do think I always 'merepek' aje.. hihi..

See you guys in future entries.. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Zher

What makes you so beautiful, is you don’t know how beautiful you are to me

You’re not trying to be perfect
Nobody’s perfect, but you are, to me
It’s how you take my breath away
Fill the words that I don’t say
I wish somehow, I could say them now
Oh, oh, I could say them now, yeah

The more that I look around, the more I realize

You’re all i’m looking for

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Perfect (version merepek lagi)

Don’t judge a book by its cover..
What the eyes see and what the ears heard, is sometimes not parallel to the actual situation..
Haa, apa lagi la peribahasa yg berkaitan eh? 

Ada orang kata kalau nak betul2 kenal dengan someone tuh try la duduk serumah dengan dia selama 3 hari.. Then baru tahu the true colour.. =) ntah betul ke tidak pun kan..

I hate to be right all the time.. I hate to have to think, to do and say all the right things.. It’s not just only me, I hate when people do feels the same too, that I should do all the right things.. 

Bukan nak riak pun, but it seems like most of them sees something different in me.. So they have put me in a certain level.. I’m seriously fine and honoured with it.. and for all my life, I have tried my best to fulfil and make them happy..

The only things that matter to me is when I can’t meet their expectations..  I can accept failures, mistakes and wrongdoings.. But it do hurts when those people, which I thought have known me better is actually knows nothing.. What they sees in me is actually what they wanted me to be, which is actually only a little part of me that I can be.. 

So I’m actually posting this entry to apology.. I know that words are cheap, but I can guarantee that I’m giving my best to meet the expectations, but still in my own way.. I take mistakes as part of learning.. I break the rules, choose the wrong direction sometimes so I can come back correctly & stronger..

So, please dun juz judge me from an angle.. Coz people can change and nobody is perfect.. More, I sincerely think that life is not about what’s right or wrong..It is actually what’s beyond it, our choice.. =)

p/s: Pinjaman Allah je semua apa yg ada kat saya now.. Alhamdulillah..

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tell the world!

Pernah tengok filem CINTA?

Kisah 5 cinta yang berbeza tapi saling berkaitan.. Jalan cerita yg disusun menarik ditambah pula dengan pelakon2 yang dikenali ramai, hasilnya agak meninggalkan kesan.. Siapa yg x suka nak tengok cerita sia2, this is a good movie for u all… =)

Dan saya tertarik dengan dua kisah cinta neh, cinta sepenuh jiwa dan cinta romantic.. These are the dialogue that have been spoken by them, that effected me..

The husband: Kalau da suka, kenapa perlu nak rahsiakan?
The writer: Kenapa nak satu dunia tahu? Cukup la kau tahu, dia tahu..

When it comes to heart feelings, we can’t openly say whom is right and whom is wrong.. Masing2 ada cara sendiri kan nak express it.. Tapi benda neh quite mengganggu kot... I have spent the past years thinking bout it, a lot.. =)

Betul la dialog dorg tuh.. Tapi saya lagi la setuju dengan The husband.. 
We should tell those we love, what we feel.. After all, for me life is all about sharing pun.. And life is too short not to do our best while we still can..

Xde jaminan pun untuk esok.. I have regretted my old days when I didn’t tell them that I love them.. So I’m stucked here in me… The sorrows part of me that I can’t easily let go, it do always come and haunt me.. And I don’t wanna keep living like this, nor that I wanted any of u guys to live this way too.. So open up ur heart and tell them.. Just tell them..  Everything will be just fine..

There is always 1 person who will give more in relationship.. =)  But that doesn’t  matter pun, hold ur heart tighter and do what makes u happy, u will sure be happy..
Untuk siapa2 yg x faham saya mengarut apa neh, xyah la serabutkan kepala.. Why don’t u just spend some time and watch the movie? U can learn life through it.. hihi..

p/s: Iloveyou..

Bondan Prakoso & Fade To Black - Ya Sudahlah

Apapun yg terjadi, ku kan slalu ada untukmu.. ~sigh..

Avril Lavigne - I Will Be

I will always be, the best that u ever have..

Friday, August 31, 2012

SAM and me..

I thought cerita Sam neh macam cerita cinta biasa2 je, yg ada happy ending in the end..
Tapi saya silap laa.. Sam is different.. Takde la best mana, tapi it somehow slips through my heart..
And it makes me to think.. Betul ke ada happy ending in real life? Kan tuh semua dalam drama je..

Even saya tahu semua tuh dalam drama je dan lakonan semata-mata, tapi hati saya lebih cenderung untuk percaya.. Saya percaya happy tuh ada, tapi x pasti di bahagian hidup kita yang mana.. Di permulaan ke, pertengahan ke atau di penghujung.. Yang pastinya pula, realiti takkan la seindah drama… =)

Saya suka tengok drama yang ada happy ending.. Saya suka tengok lovers happy in their real life.. Sometimes tuh, happy things do happened to me.. Indah dan bahagia sangat.. Tapi saya selalu ada rasa ragu2 dalam hati.. Rasa macam dalam mimpi.. The right words to describe my feeling is, saya rasa saya x layak pun untuk ada rasa happy tuh..  Worst, it grows fear in me..sampaikan ada kalanya saya tolak jauh2 rasa happy dalam diri.. Fobia kot kan.. Hurm..

I am trying very hard to get over these.. But trust me, u dun know how hard it is.. So awak, bersabarlah dengan saya ye..  =)

p/s: We are now of what have happened yesterday..

Thursday, August 23, 2012

5 perkara..

Hari tuh ada la seminar kat luar office neh..
Pasal interpersonal skill mcm tuh la pun..

Hanya dipisahkan dengan pintu sepapan tuh, mmg kitorg yg dlm office neh pun automatic mcm terlibat skali..suara dorg kuat2 kot.. =P
Biasa la pun, program dia untuk memantapkan diri sendiri, supaya lagi confident dengan dunia luar neh.. Ada sesi luahan perasaan, lakonan, pembentangan, soal jawab..bab2 melawak pun sure x tinggal..hihi..

Tapi dalam byk2 sesi tu, aku tertarik lak kat 1 sesi neh..lebih kurang sesi Tanya diri sendiri la kan.. =) Penceramah tuh bagi 2 soalan neh aje..

1)      5 perkara yang org suka kat saya
2)      5 perkara yang org x suka kat saya

Menarik laa.. Tanpa penceramah tuh sedar, dia da ada peserta baru di sebalik pintu papan tuh..hihi.. Spontan je aku amik kertas dan cuba untuk senaraikan 5 perkara tuh.. Ingat senang ke? So jom check jawapan aku yg poyo2 neh..

Soalan no 1..     
-          Nampak macam budak baik
-          Easy going
-          Fun to be with
-          Saya comel? (I get this a lot) *perasan abis..
-          Can talk well (advises, jokes, etc)

Soalan no 2..     
-          Degil
-          X suka nak mengalah kalau dlm discussion
-          Sombong sikit..
-          Suka buat benda sorang diri
-          Ikut kepala sendiri

Haaa, walaupun point yg poyo2 tuh nmpk mcm lebih kurang sama je semua tapi aku rasa itulah aku.. aku rasa laa, org lain rasa aku x tahu lak kan? Sure dorg lagi byk jawapan kat nombor 2 tuh kan? Hahahha..

Entri kali neh xde apa2 pun la..aku saja nak merepek buang, adios!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Searching the logical

Last night I have a bad feeling but I just ignored it..
I need to have my sleep and wake up early to work..
There is nobody around, so I switched on all the lights outside..
It all went well until 2 am..
I have a problem opening my HP lockscreen..
I have the password correct but I dun know why it couldn’t work..
I have to tried till the 6th attempt then only I can open it..
And then suddenly I heard a noise just outside my room, so I switched on my room light..
The sounds then continue, it seems like someone is entering the other room coz I heard the sound of door knob..
I can feel like my blood stops running inside my body, I can’t even move.. I feel cold and I’m shivering..  There is nobody in the house!
Feels like yelling out the window for help but I know that is ridiculous.. 2am, no neighbours and the guards are on the other side, I don’t think anyone would hear me..
So I lifted my guard and going out to check the situation outside, without any hesitation.. I slowly move downstairs.. All the locks and doors are good.. Nothing much.. But when I climbed back then only I realize the stuffs in front of my room have fall down, and the window there is slightly open.. I don’t take too much time, I get myself into my room and waited for my friend to come and pick me up..
So I ended in my friend’s house..could not really get a good sleep due to what have happened..
Early morning then I come back there..nak x nak kena gak bersiap tuk g kerja kan.. I just ignored my feelings and act like nothing has happened last night.. But I can’t keep my eyes away to the window..It is like I’m looking for a logical answer to last night.. and surprisingly I saw a white hair? I’m not sure if it is hair or kind of wool of cotton stuck there in the window.. I pretend like I haven’t seen anything and going to work like usual..
So it all goes around in my head now.  The stuffs are well located but it fell down, the window is slightly opens..  It looks like something has come inside tru the window and steps on the thing and going into to the other room.. But, the window is so small and it is been  grilled! So, what is it that come in? Hurm.. Logical please..

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Grace Sister..

I always get this from my friends.. “U both look so close together..”
Yep, I am trying hard to pull over our gap..
It is not as easy as what they have seen..In fact, we’re not that close pun..
It is so hard for me to understand what’s in her head..But that did not affect my love to her, my only little sis.. =)

So this is kinda more like a fun entry bout me & my sis..owh, and of course there are biases since I am judging myself on my own thought.. hihi..
Here it goes..

The Big Sister: Known as a stubborn person, quite loud & hard in words & actions..Independent..Like to talk and to be heard..Able to do hard work..Thinking type..What she wants, she will always fight hard to get it..Follows her heart almost all of time..Kurang sabar..Love sports..Not so good in love relationship..Sporty dress-up..Unhealthy (abs problem..) Love day-dreaming..Average social life..Like to share..medium body type..

The Small Sister: Stubborn too.. Don’t like to talk much.. Love to be alone.. Body is not so strong (buat kerja berat sikit pun xleh..) So soft in words & actions..Follows her head almost all of time..Love arts & musics..Good in love relationship (many boyfies..) hot chicks dress-up..skinny, lean body type..unhealthy (lung problem..) Love day-dreaming..Low social life..Don’t like to share things..Love to keep things alone..Doing things in her own way, don’t ever dare to interrupt! =)

Hahaha..Bukan senang to get all these info..and I do believe there is a lot more, tapi x larat la nak gali dalam2.. by the time being, I am still trying to understand her well..from what I can see, we got so much differences..tuh yg nak berbual pun susah..

I don’t really care how she is..We might be so different..But there’s 1 thing for sure that I know, I will always love her with all my heart.. =)

p/s: Happy birthday my little sister! Sweet 22 years old, u look like secondary school students aii.. =)

Christmas Cupid

Yeahhh, I know that people are not celebrating Christmas yet..
It is not about that eve pun, it’s about a movie..

This started on 1 fine day..
I have nothing to do and bored so I on9 u-tube and watch movies on9..
This movie is a light & fun movie.. lebih kurang macam citer The ghost of my Past GF tuh..
And I did not put in much attention into it till I have reached the almost ending part.. I’m glued..

The movie have successfully made me to think, I mean re-think..
In this life, if we chase after wealth, popularity & power, we will in the end lose the people around us.. We will be left alone, my biggest fear of all..

Hence, as been mentioned by my fav actor in my fav drama series, Dream High.. “The road that a well known star would live is a lonely and pity road..” Now I think that I understand.. =)

Betul la tuh..winning over arguments or any other occasion will result of we losing the people we care & love..

I am so glad that I have finally realize that..before this da tahu pun, tapi lack of awareness aje so x alert sgt pun.. hihi..
See? From just a normal, a light & fun movie, if we do sees it in different view, it can really give us a great lesson..I guessed that I’m changing my life a bit now.. =)

I have decided to keep the people I love around me.

p/s: the best part was, Chad Michael Murray is the hero!!!! =P