maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Semut Merah #5

I have some other thing in mind, but I dun think that I should post it right now.. =)
For this time biarlah saya post pasal my Semut Merah je dulu..

Now we all dah tangga ke4 pun, alhamdulillah..
Slow and steady, we will reach there.. to the place where we belong to..

Wearing those jersey, I only know one thing..
That I will give my very best in the court!
I will play all out for my team mates, for my coaches, for the one I love and lastly for me myself..

It's an honor to fight for those worthy people in my life..
May Allah blesses me.. =)

 A picture of thousand definition..

For the club names that we carry all this way, for each of us no matter we're in or out of the court, for our pride-commitment-relationship.. =)

For a better game, better life, better memory in future.. =)

As long as we don't give up..
Wish us luck....

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