maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Monday, September 2, 2013

59 tryout to write about you.. =)

Tersenyum saya masa nak tulis entri neh.. =)
My certain someone..

How should I start this?
Of coz dari Dia yang maha Kaya, yg bagi kami rasa neh.. =)
It is exactly like what they have always mention..
"Fall in love accidentally"
I never have taught I can love someone this much..
Tapi betullah Dia maha Kaya..

Bila saya rasa mustahil untuk ada rasa suka dengan ikhlas, Dia beri saya rasa tuh..
The best part is, Dia beri juga rasa yg sama to my certain someone tuh.. =)

I do always wanted to write bout my certain someone, tp there's too much words, too much feeling till I don't know how to start.. and I usually ended up with smiling alone to my lappy.. hihi..

Hidup neh kadang2 agak pahit.. Tapi sebab my certain someone, I found out the bitter is so sweet.. =P
Thank you Allah for everything, for sending him to me..
Thank you, thank you, thank you..

I'm happy with what I have now..

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