maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Me + make-up

Tadi balik je tiba2 terjumpa eye liner..
Yep, of course that's mine..
I even have full set of make up okay, the basic one la kan..

Tapi syg, sebab I rarely use them..
So tadi poyo2 sikit la, conteng2 muka then berangan bajet retis.. hihi..
Just a bit of touch up I can turn myself into a China doll, a pretty one taw..

But it is just not me.. =)
If other girls feel confident wearing make up to go out, it goes different way for me..
I dun feel good.. x selesa.. macam ada roti canai melekat kat muka.. =P
and I will sure be in a lot of mess, trust me.. hihi..

But in future insyaAllah boleh adapt kan..
maybe pakai simple2 if ada occasion aje.. =)

I'm good this way, I feel beautiful enuf.. hik hik hik..

Tadi lak tergedik2 hantar pic kat my Certain Someone, saja je nak tengok if dia perasan any difference of me with just the eyeliner & lip balm..
Berbunga-bunga hati saya baca respond dia..

Thank you sebab terima saya seadanya..
and thank you Allah for this happiness.. =)

Be grateful enuf with life & what's inside of it..

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