maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Me, sis & MILO

Having a fight with my sis disebabkan Milo..
Too crazy kan? And I never have thought that it will get worst..
My sis yelled back and cried...
As far as I know, dia stubborn sgt.. xkan pernah mengalah..

Teringat dulu masa kitorg kecik2..
I dunno how it started tapi as far as I remembered, I have never been a good sister to her..
Masa main basikal sama2, saya suka langgar dia dari belakang..
She did not have a good time playing with me..

Tak tahu kepala angin saya neh datang dari mana..
Saya pernah lempang, sepak , terajang dia sebab dia degil sgt..
And now to think back of it all, I reached to a point..

Saya sedar saya budak lagi masa tuh..
Kepala hangin tuh maybe saya dapat dari my dad..
Sepak, terajang tuh semua... Budak kan, they tend to copy what they've seen..
And maybe I got a little insecure coz apa2 pun, sure saya yg akan kena teruk..
My sis, x pernah kena marah langsung.. It build anger in me..

And then I leave my sis alone, going to a boarding school..
Until now barulah kitorg duduk serumah lagi..But it do feel lots of different..
No sis to sis talk, no nothing..
Now I have change, tadi tuh aje masing2 emosi..
Saya xnak gaduh2, saya syg dia..Dia ajelah adik kandung yg saya ada..
Saya teringin nak pujuk dia balik, nak hug dia, nak say sorry..
Tapi langkah tuh mati dalam hati aje..
Bukan ego, tapi more to awkward..

I'm so sorry sis.. I didn't mean to hurt you.. ~sigh..

P/s: You can never give what u haven't receive..

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