maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lunch surprise!! xoxo

A surprise that later surprises me too.. Thank you Allah for all the happiness..
and thank you for letting me to feels special..

A set of Italian BMT from Subway & the ice lemon tea..
A card with my bad hand-writing.. =P
Sticky notes with all the honest words from deep inside my heart, it all messed up in the lunch set..

I asked for two minutes but he gave me all of his lunch break time.. =)

All of my rush to prepare it & also almost an hour of sweating, waiting inside of comot (coz I thought that u're having break at 1), it does really feels worth it.. 
And I am willing to do more than that for you, so you know how glad I am to have you in my life..

I hope to make you smile, again & again.. Like what you have did to me, always..

Thank you for everything..

P/s: Comot pun happy sebab da tinggi sikit.. LOL

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