maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

5 cOLoUrs dat i lOVe..

hEy ya..

lifE iS bEautifUL n fulL of cOloUrs..
i rEalLy diN pay sO mUch atTEntiOn to colors...
bUt here i'm gOnNa sHare tO thE wORLd trU my pErcEptiOns bOut cOlouRs..
enjOicE my fav cOLours ea!!!


This is thE 1st cOLor dat i nOticEd.. =) and tHis iS osO thE cOLour oF my 'rUmah sUkaN' wEn i'm in my primary yEarS..owH, daT mOmEnt waS sO fUn.. gReeN iS owEz bEautifUl n iT reprEsent thE natUre.. wEn i tHink oF grEen, i imaginE oF ouR eartH..owH, n there's a sOng 'HIJAU' by ZainaL AbidiN osO..
GREEN effectEd mE sO mUch in my lifE..b'cOz of grEen thEn i gEt invOlved wiF the 'pEcinTa aLam' cLUb, osO in my primary yEars..hEh heh.. n until nOw, grEen tEacH mE a gUd mOraL valUe daT iS tO MUST THROW RUBBISH INTO THE DUSTBIN.. iT's jUz a siMPLe tHing, bUt thE effEct iS grEat..i lEarnEd tO bE a rESpOnsibLE pErsOn trU iT..haha!


tHis timE, iT's my 'rUmaH sUkan' WEn i'm in my sEcOndary lifE..hehe.. bLUe rEminded mE oF thE natuRe tOo, bUt more tO thE sea.. daT's y i lOve tO siT n waTch fOr the sUnsEt, n rUn on thE bEachES..nObody caN hElp mE tO dEscribE thE feELing i havE insidE.. iT caN easE my paiN fOr a wHiLE..aS nOw, i'm lOokinG fOr a hOLiday triPs tO thE bEachEs..hehe, hOpe foR sUmday.. n frOm bLUe, i lEarned daT God iS thE Almighty n daT hE owN evEryrtHing in eartH.. PEACE!!


As fOr yellOw, i cUdnt rEmenbER welL my 1st timE likinG tHis cOlour..thE tHing i remEmbEred waS yEllOw iS sO bEautifUl n briGht..i dEscribE iT as chEerinG.. =) yelLOw iS likE indEpendEnt and owEz smiLing tO me..wEn evEr i lOok at yEllOw, my hEart smilEs..owh, n iT's thE coLOur of thE sUn, n starS..sUn, thE kinG of univErse.. hEe.. witH yellOw in my hEart, i tEach mysElf tO owEz bE hapPy n takE alL oppUrtUnity tO enjOy my jOurnEy in tHis wOrld..sama La mcm maTahari, saLo kUa mencEriakaN haRi2 waLaupUn adE kaLa awaN huJan tUtup diE sEkEtika.. hEe...


haa, diZ cOLOur iS biT cOnfUsinG..pUrplE miGht bE coOl tO othEr gErLs bUt i tHink daT puRpLe iS dulL..bUt i lovE thE dulLnEss.. ~ngEe.. pUrplE iS likE dUll, stUpid bUt bEautifUl in inSidE..n additiOn, qUietLy bEautifUl.. and oF alL cOlOurs in rainbOw, i oNLy havE eyE fOr pUrplE..amaZing aite?? n iN pUrpLE i sEe tHinGs diffErentLy..dat bEautY is nOt appEar witHin oUr eyEs..bEautifUl cOmEs frOm OutsidE aS welL aS insidE.. chEers!!


LasT bUt nOt lEast iS thiS elEgant cOLor..wHat caN i dEscribE mOre?? wHitE iS cLEan n pUrE..mY dEfiNitiOn tO wHite mOstLy thE samE aS yOurs too.. hEe..wEn i tHink oF wHite, i tHink oF an angEl..thE lifE aftER dEath..i tHink oF lOve, reLatioNship.. =) alL abOut wHitE iS rEasOnablE fOr mE..bEing in wHite iS likE a kid..a kid whO dOesnt nOe anytHing..n aftEr all, we'll eNd uP in wHitE oSo aitE??

sO thE sUmmary..thEre's lOt of colOurs..nOt onLy thEse 5, many havE inspirEd mE..bUt aftEr alL, tHese arE my fav 5..hee..lifE withOut coLors iS bOrinG.. sO my fEllOw, dEcoratE ur lifE bEautifUlLy aS wE only livE oncE..n b'cOz cOlors osO caN brinG mEaning tO ouR lifE..apprEciatE lifE n enjOy alL thE momEnts..

"Blushing is the color of virtue..." ~ngee..

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