maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

thE rOad tHat nOt takEn...

"I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing."

haha...n i dUn evEn nOe wHat's thE bEst fOr mE ritE nOw...
evEn iF i nOe iT, i'm afraid tO lEt iT oUt..
lettinG tHingS tO bE dEcidEd by others, i dUn livE a hapPy lifE witH iT..
n i dUn nOe wEn wilL i stOp..

i havE a sitUatioN ritE nOw...
i havE these pEopLE whOm owEz vEry sUppoRtivE n thEy trUstEd mE..
lEttinG mE tO handLe evErytHing..tiL sumtiMES i fELt sO strEss n rUn awaY frOm thEm...
bUt stilL i'm wiF thEm cOz tHey'rE sO kiNd..

on thE othEr dEsirE..
tO gO furthER n aChievE anOthEr suCceSs..
tO bEat thE bEst in mE n bEcOminG thE bEst..
bUt i dUn havE cOuragE...

wHat shUd i dO?
jUz siTting baCk n fOllOw wHat's gOnNa happEn nExt??
i nEed tO dEcidE wHat iS thE bEst..
rELatiOnshIp, faiTh,SatisfaCtiOn oR frEedOm?

iT's sO hard fOr mE..
bUt i hOpe daT i'lL cOmE oUt wiF a sOLUtiOn aftEr tHis..
i dUn waNt tO waiT n pLayed thE rOLE likE others wanTed..
i need tO havE my oWn pLOt.. =)

sO i'm gOnNa dECidE..
diZ timE iT dOesnt mattER iF i madE thE wrOng dEcisiOn oR nOt..
iT's thE mattEr oF cHangE n dEcidiNg my owN lifE..
aS fOr wHat hapPen nExt iN fUturE, i'm thE onLy 1 whOm r fUlLy rEspOnsibLe oF iT..nO onE wilL..

sO i'm wisHing mysELf a vEry gEwd lUck.. =)

lifE iS sO eaSy..lifE iS sHOrt..
enjOy iT tO thE fUlLESt..
lEt oNly u dEcidE ur oWn fatE!!!

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