havE u gUys waTchEd tHe tOuriSt??
iT's kinda intEresTing, bUt nOt sO sUpErb la..
n i waS attraCtEd by thE wOrds oF eLisE wHeN shE tOLd FranK bOut wHat hEr mOthEr tOld..
she said daT evEry pEopLe havE 2 sidEs inSidE thEm, thE prO n cOntra..
n tO bE witH sUm1, u mUst accEpt bOth oF iT.. =)

sO, wHat i'm gOnNa tElL iS kinda bOut tHat tHinGy..
i havE a sitUatiOn..nOt a, bUt many sitUatiOns tHat i'vE becOmE lOst cOntrOl n iT tUrnEd mE tO bE sUm1 daT iS iRriTatinG n sElfiSh..hUh..
aCt i dUn likE daT sidE oF mE bUt i rEalLy caNt cOntrOl iT wEn u pEeps arOud mE keep jUdginG mE thE wrOng way..

dUn expEct daT i'm bEttEr, n cOz oF tHat i havE tO 'baGi mUke' tO alL pEopLe..
yEp, mB trU my pErformaNces u caN pUt mE in sOmE lEvEl hiGher thaN ursELf..
i miGht havE tOLeraTe in sUm tHingS tOo..bUt nOt alL...
i am stilL a hUmaN bEinG likE alL..
iF i'm gEwd iN anyTHing, iT's mB b'cOz i'm dOing hard iN it..
wEn u triEd uR bEst, u sUrE gEt thE bEst oUtcOme..sO dUn jUz b'cOz daT i'm gEwd or havE reaCh sUm lEveL thEn u havE tO piNpOint evErytHing tO mE..
like i said earLier, i'm oSo a humaN bEing likE u alL..
wht i dO bEst 2day iS nOT a guaraNtee fOr 2mrw..
wHat i nEed to dO iS kEep oN gOing cOz i bELievE thEre arE owEz a roOm 4 imprOvemEnt..
sO u gUys oUt thEre whOm tHink daT i'm gEwd enUf, pLs dUn..
tREat mE aS thE samE wiF oTHers, bE my sParrinG partnEr thEn wE'lL gaiN sUccEss 2gthR..

nOt likE thE usUaL way, waNting mE tO givE an oppUrtUnitY fOr thE othErs..
iF i dO, thEn whOm gOnna givE mE an oPpUrtUnitY lak?? aigO..
sO iF u dUn wanT mE tO bE mOre irritatiNg n diSrEspEctfUl, trEat mE thE way u likE tO bE trEatEd.. =)
LaSt bUt nOt lEast, lifE iS tOLerabLE..
wE'rE alL thE samE!!!

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