maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Monday, January 3, 2011


hEy, iT's new yEar aGain.. =)
n 2010 was vEry awEsOme..i mEan, almOst aT the End oF iT..
wOn n collEct $$$.. iT's sO fUn..
n fOr tHis nEw yEar i hOpe my lUck jUz diN cHangE..
hOpe daT i'lL cOntinUe tO bE wiF d gLOry2!! hehE..

n fOr diZ earLy sEm, i'm in mY finaL yEar..yEayh!!!
dOing my praCticaL aT RSA..
iT's nOt aS easy aS wHat u tHink..
yEst waS my 1sT day n iT gEt mE diZzy..
bUt iT's fUn cOz i lEarnEd nEw knOwledge..n wHaT'S MoRE INTeREStING, wHat i lEarnEd is rElatEd tO my stUdiEs.. =)

sO, adiOs..lOoking fOrwarD tO havE mOre intEreStinG thiNg here.. =)

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