maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i dUn nOe hOw tO dEscriBe lifE..

It's nOt eaSy nOr osO hard..bUt lifE iS sO cOmpLicatEd..

i uSualLy wHispEred tO myseLf daT i'm sUre wanNa havE a grEat lifE..
nO mattER wHat hapPen, i'lL sUre takE my timE tO enjOy evEry singLE tHing in my lifE..
bUt..iT's nOt aS eaSy aS said..

wHat makE ur lifE mOre mEaninGfUlL?
iT's ur drEam my dEar..Ur drEam wilL brinG u tO anywEr n wHatevER u wanNa bE..
wEn U havE fUlfilL ur drEam, iT's sUre thE grEatEst mOmEnt evEr.. =)
sO, tHat's y pEopLe sOmetimEs bELievE in tHese wOrds..

Dream as high as you can..coz if u dun have the luck to reach them, u are already on the right path..

yEp, i do beLievE in iT..sO i piN uP my drEams tO the sTars abOve..
tx GOD cOz i'vE reachEd tO fEw oF iT..and hEre's cOme thE cOmpLicatEd paRt oF lifE..
wE drEams.. riSk everytHing n dO anytHing jUst tO reacH iT, bUt hOw iF thE drEams arE nOt oUrs?
evEn hOw hard u triEd, u jUst caNt owN iT.. =(
mE mysElf havE waLk intO tHis sitUatiOn..n i mEt wiF tHis..
if u have tried ur best and u failed..n u wake up and tried again, failed again..then just stop something else..
whOoah, dat's tHougH iSn't iT?
hOw cOme sO eaSiLy caN waLk ofF Ur drEam?
iT's FRUSTRATED..wEn tHis fEeLing cOmE, u wilL nOt havE thE strengTh evEn tO heLd uP Ur hEad.. =(
u cUdnt tHink oF anytHing excEpt fOr hOw unfaiR tHis wOrld iS tO u..
n i diN bELievE iT..jUst stOp tryiNg n dO sumtHing eLse?hEh..nOt sO faSt..cOz i fOund thEse..
dont give up..success, seems to be largely a matter of HANGING ON after other have let go..~William Feather..
yEp, n iF i havE falL alOng my jOurnEy..i wilL wakE uP n waLk aGain.. 
iF i faiLed n faiLed n faiLed aGain..i wilL try, try, and try aGain..
sOme may LauGh..sO wHat?? Many wilL fOllOw.. =)

bUt in sOme sitUatiOns, iT's gEwd fOr uS tO lEarn oN hOw tO lEt gO..
cOz wiNning iS nOt evErytHing iN lifE..n cHangEs dO sumtimes offEr mOre gEwd tHan thE badS..
sEe?? lifE iS cOmpLicatEd huh..

laSt bUt nOt lEast..aS i owEz rEmind mysElf..
kekuatan bukannya datang dari kaki, tetapi datangnya dari hati kita..

 p/s: Kalau ikOt hati cik BinTang, waT jE apE yg kitE sUke..cOz bilE kitE wat bEnde yG kitE sukE, kitE enjOy..biLe da enjOy, Hati gEmbiRa, itULa yG pLg pEnTing.. =p

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