wEn mEntiOned bOut FIGOS FC, i nOe dat pEopLe wilL gO likE whOoahHhh! =)
1st cOme in tHeir mind iS oF cOz fUtsal, thEn thE shOes, tHen mr.Tang kOk Wai.. ~nGee.. jOking!
yEp tHey tHink abOut fUtsal a lOt, n thE gErls..
Erm, thEre's osO -vE stOriEs...
i dUn carE wHat thEy wantEd tO tHink, bUt i nOe tHis 1 tHing fOr sUre..
whatEver tEam aGainSt tHe fiGos wilL feEl insEcurE.. hEh..
n iF thEy caN bEat uS, thEy feeL sO prOud, aS iF thEy orEdy wOn thE wOrLd cUp..hEe...
sO fUnny aitE??
thEre's many fUtsal cLubs oUtside thEre, bUt from my owN expEriEncE, FIGOS FC is sO different..
y i said sO? cOz i nOe la, i'm a FIGOS player wHat.. =)
Being a FigOs-ians iS nOt likE in schOols..
wHen u'rE in primarY, u misS thE kindErgartEn..wEn u'rE in UnivErsity, u'll misS thE secOndary mOmEnt..
huh, iT's nOthinG likE tHat..bEing Figos-ians, u'lL owEz misSes thE mOment..hee..
FIGOS FC havE prOducE diffErent mEntaLity oF fUTsal pLayer..
tHat iS a faCt, nObody agrEed bUt thEy arE admittinG iT siLentLy..
hOw? u jUst seE hOw maNy pEoPLe r tryiNg tO gET FigOs playErs? huhu..
n hEre's wHat madE uS diffErent..
wE r owEz opEn, wE nevEr bEen sO selEctivE tO pLayers..evErybOdy caN cOme n jOin..
frEe tO jOin, frEe tO bLah..bUt lUckiLy many sTays..
othEr clUbs offER traininG, FIGOS tOo..nEvEr missEs evEn on hOliday..
thEy offEr cOurts tO pLay, FIGOS havE iT tOo..
thE biG thiNg iS tHat thEy allocatEd allowancEs..n FIGOS? hEe..FIGOS offEr lifE edUcatiOn.. =)
wEn onE cOme intO FIGOS, shE wilL nOt oNly lEarn tO pLay fUtsal..
sHe'lL bE ablE tO lEarn bOut lifE..evEn thOugh jUst a smalL lessOn, likE thrOwing rUbbiSh intO thE dUstbin..haha, fUnNy aiTe? smalL kids nOe dat la!
yUp, smalL kids nOe iT..wE knEw iT bUt wE owEz 'miSs' iT..
wEn wE grEw oldEr, wE fOrgOt wHt Our kindErgartEn tEachEr usEd tO telL us..
n rEsuLt? adULt arE mOrE immOraL tHan kiDs..y?
i tOt wE alL lEarnEd iT b4..haha!!
n FIGOS, likE a tEachEr frOm oUr kindErgartEn.. =)
n iF u'rE tHinkinG oF iT aS jUst 'tHrOwinG rUbbiSh intO thE dUstbin'..u're wrOng aGain..
wE in FIGOS did nOt tHink dat waY..hEy u, iT's bOut rEspOnsiBiLiTY la!!!
i'm nOt telLing dat FIGOS is pErfEct..nO, wE'rE nOt..
we gOt atTitUde la..
wE fiGht wiTh eaCh othEr, wE thrOw bad wOrds..
wOrsT, sUmtimEs wE pLayed haRd evEn oN tO oUr tEammatEs..
We're bad..bUt tHat iS wEr FigOs-ians iS diffEreNt frOm thE othEr..
wE takE iT +vE..wE fiGht wiF eacH othEr sO thaT wE grEw strOngEr frOm insidE..
in aN EaSy say, iT'S alL abOut hOw biG ur hEart iS.. =)
at thE end oF iT, we arE stilL tOgEthER, sTilL UNITE aS onE.. =)
thE bOnd iS eLastiC.. haha! u can try tO strEtch iT bUt thEn iT'lL cOme tO nOrmaL baCk..
sO tO thE Figos-ians, i aM sO prOud tO bE parT oF u alL..tHanks tO alL..
and appLause tO oUr biG bOss (Mr Tang Kok Wai)..
hE's thE maN bEhind alL oF tHis..hE nEvER gEt bOred tO bE oUr kindErgartEn tEachEr.. =)
n tHis iS sincEreLy frOm my hEart, iF i'm nOt iN thiS tEam, i migHt nOt lEarn tO bE seriOus on thE smalL2 tHing daT caN cHangE my lifE tO bE a bEttEr onE..
i miGht bE liL prOud oF mysElf nOw..yEah Figos-ians, wE shUd bE prOud..wE havE thE valUe la.. ~wink..
i usEd tHis wOrds fEw timEs befOre, in my hOckey tEam, in my schOoLs..
bUt i tHink iT is suPposE tO bE here..
oncE a Figos, owEz a FigOS!!!! yeahhhhh!!!!!
cik Bintang05 says : It's nOt abOut winNing, iT's abOut hOw many yOu brinG witH yOu.. =)
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