Letih kepala otak, sampai kaki pun x mampu nak dengar kata da.
Balik rumah lak tiba2 ada package atas tilam..
mcm sweet pula kan.. hihi..
Buka2 aje ada birthday card & hadiah..
Buka lagi, ada jam.. baca kad.. Terharu..
Tersenyum, hilang semua penat lelah.. hihi..
Hadiah birthday dari family Semut Merah..
Sungguh x sangka..
Thanks sebab buat saya happy..
Terasa bersalah lak, sebab bila birthday dorg salunya saya belasah aje dorg..
This is it.. Our futsal family..
We might not always spend time together, but our bond is so strong..
We fight, spoiled others mood & talk bad about each other..
But in the end, deep inside our heart, we do always wanted the best for each other..
So this goes to all Semut Merah outside there, (walaupun saya tahu dorg xkan baca entri neh) hihi..
Thank you sebab terima saya seadanya as a leader..
Thanks sebab boleh je tolerate & terima semua apa saya ckp even kadang2 saya salu je mengarut kan..
Untuk semua planning, makian dalam court tuh, mmg saya lah tuh..
Yang mood period x menentu tuh pun saya juga la tuh.. =)
Tapi what I can see from that, we all did learn something through tolerance to each other behaviour..
And that what's make us the best team in Malaysia! =)
And special thanks to this special friend..
Kalau2 dia ada terbaca & ingat lagi pasal neh la kan..
Dulu saya salu pernah kata susah nak dpt kawan yg kita mmg boleh pgl kawan..
Kawan yang kalau kita salah pun, akan salu ada, akan betulkan kita, xkan tinggalkan kita..
Yang ada salunya, kawan ckp belakang, kawan tikam belakang, kawan time senang..
But this special friend, change my point of view..
Yes, you deserved to be called FRIEND.. =)
All Semut Merah pun.. we're becoming more like family each day tanpa sedar kan..
Last but not least, thanks again not only for the thought but for filling my life with good memories..
Wish you all the best in life & keep on treasuring our moments of running + chasing the ball together.. =P
1 comment:
i love u leader :) #9
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