maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Korang pernah lari x? Atau mencuba untuk lari?
Lari kejap dari dunia yang xkan pernah berhenti tunggu kita walau sesaat..
Kenapa perlu lari?
Saya pilih untuk lari sebab.. Sebab saya tahu xde siapa yang akan boleh faham situasi saya..
Sebab saya tahu xde siapa akan kesah.. Sebab saya xnak org nmpk betapa lemahnya saya..

Coz I do sometimes broke over a silly matter.. Maybe bcoz you held so much kan then it come to a breaking point where even when it is just ur pencil patah pun da boleh buat u down giler..

I used to run, ever since when I'm a kid..
I ran to my friends house.. I thought that being in their world would help to erase my pain for a while..
Bila da besar and staying in new environment, I thought that I'll stop running.. But life is not that easy..
Saya lari lagi..Tapi kali neh saya lari to where no one can find me.. I found a place, empty one.. So I spend my time there for hours.. to recall it back, it is actually a Muslim small prayer room..

And nowadays, the new me.. I do still run.. But it is different this time..
I run back to home.. =) I wept all the way & by the time I reached home, it all seems gone..
Seing the faces of ur family, knowing that they are still there for you, knowing that you are not alone, it is actually the best feeling..and that feeling do actually helps me to erase all my pain..

and here I am, HOME! =)

Thank you Allah for the people that you have send to me..

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!

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