Saya tengah membiasakan diri untuk bertudung kalau g keje.. =)
Mula2 tuh I've kind of got a war inside my brain, either should I or not.. What is the benefit, what if, what this, what that & what everything..
But then I reached to a decision.. and here is just a sharing--> a piece of my mind, on changing more to be good, insyaAllah..
Saya selalu pegang prinsip neh, do the right thing!
So kalau dah tahu benda tuh betul, kenapa kita nak deny? Kenapa kita x buat?
So saya paksa diri saya.. Ada alim ulamak pun pernah kata solatlah kamu walaupun terpaksa kerana mmg solat tuh sifatnya terpaksa.. lambat laun, kita akan biasa & benda jadi rutin. (I'm not sure where I get this, but I read it somewhere else)
Xde salahnya pun kalau kita paksa diri untuk buat benda yg betul kan, for our own good.. =)
Lagipun kita kena selalu beringat yg dunia sekarang neh tempat persinggahan sementara kita aje..
And we do not know for how long we have till it's too late.. masing2 faham sendiri la kan..
So carilah bekal untuk akhirat nanti..
Bukanlah nak poyo macam saya neh baik sgt..
Nope, I am too far from that..
Tapi what do we live for kalau setiap hari yg kita lalui tuh tetap sama macam semlm kan..
For me, everyday is a new day for us to improve.. Sia2lah hari kalau kita x improve..
Memang ada someone yg effect my decision neh..
He is kind of booster jugalah, pemberi semangat..
Tapi I do always keep in heart that I'm doing this because of Allah..
And I thank Allah for sending me my Smile.. dia yg salu brings out the best in me, Thanks.. =)
So xde apa yg saya nak kata lagi..
Sentiasalah jaga hati & keep in mind that everyday is an opportunity to grow..
It is up to you on how u let urself grow.. =)
Semoga saya tabah melalui hari2 mendatang juga.. hihi..
P/s: saya skema.. =P
Semoga saya tabah melalui hari2 mendatang juga.. hihi..
P/s: saya skema.. =P
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