Reality do sLaps mE straight onto my face!!
after alL, I’d owEz tOt daT wE’re dOing great..
bUt I’m so tOtalLy wrong..
it might bE toO latE fOr mE..bUt still, bEttEr latE thaN never knew anything aitE??
hOw cOuld I have missed alL the important tHings iN my life?
hOw cOuLd I owEz tOt tHat thEy’rE dOing fine there without mE?
Damn!!! ;(
My aUnt haS a braiN cancer, shE wEnt trU an operation n sUrvivE..
yEt, complication occurred n shE haS tO face another 1…
My siS iS still in observation dUe tO hEr illnEss..
She neEds tO seE hEr dOc frequently..n I’m nOt sO surE hOw frequent iS daT.. ;(
My dad, wHat did I know bOut hiM?? ;(
nOw only I knew, hE’s nOt in a gOod cOndiTiOn tOo…
wHat eLse did I missed????????????????
I’vE missed oUt sO many, aS iF I’m a tOtaL strangErs in my own family…
I am.. =(
I missed knowing daT I had a step-sister.. Dianne..
Bad tHing iS daT shE’s sick too..
wOrst, shE died..n I nEver knew anything.. ~sigh..
sooo speechless……….. thEre’s a crack in my heart…
dad, I am sO sOrry..tO bE hOnEst, I wanted tO bE there witH u, in bad n gOod times..
I dun juZ wanted tO tell u gUys dat I lOve u alL, I wanted tO show iT!!
I wanted tO bE part oF tHis, oUr family..
bUt I gUessEd u nOe iT, sUre helL sO hard kaN..
I dUn care hOw hard iT is, I’lL give iT a try..
I will try my bEst, I promise..
p/s: I’m nOt ur daughter, ur sister, ur family jUz in namEs..i wanted tO bE real……Ya Allah, please give me strength..i love my family…
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