maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

HaPpy BirTHday mUmmy!!!

 tOmorrOw iS my mOthEr's b'day..
i wantEd tO bUy a cakE n a prEsent fOr hEr..
i wiSh tO bE thEre witH hEr oN hEr spEciaL day, 
aS befOre tHis wE havEnt spEnd sO mUch timE tOgethEr.. =(
owH, hOw i wiSh daT i caN sinG a birTHday sOng tO hER..

bUt i caN't..n i'm kinda oF haTing mysELf bEcOz oF daT..
i havE lOt oF wOrks tO bE dOne..i havEnt havE enUf sLEpt fOr tHis fEw weEks..
n i sTilL havE a pLenty oF wOrks tO do.. =(
i hOpe my mUm wilL undErsTand n wOnt feEL sad..

i nOe daT my mOthEr iS mOre impOrtanT tHan tHat bUndLEs oF work..
n i'm tryiNg tO pUsh mysElf tO cElebratE tHis day wiF hEr..
bUt iT's my bOdy tHat caNt gO on..

wHatevEr iT is, i'm kEePing a prOmisE tO myseLf..
tOmorrOw or anothEr tOmorrOw..
i wilL cOme hOme wiF a cakE n a pResent fOr my mOthEr, n sinG a b'day sOng fOr hER..

dEar mUm, i tHank GOD cOz u r bOrn on tHis day, yEars bEforE..
i wiSh tHis yEar wilL brinG u mOre lUck and hapPinEss..
i pray fOr ur safEty n hEaLth owEz..n hOpe daT u'lL owEz kEep smiLing..
i lovE u mUm!!!!!!!!!

Ur daughtEr...
p/s: hOpe tO spEnd mOre timE wiF my mOthER!!!

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