maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'm loud..

I was born big..
Big voice I mean.. hihi..

Pasal tuh la org salu misunderstand me..
My 'ye ke?' or 'mana?' tuh org akan anggap saya macam nak argue.. padahal saya betul2 nak tahu apakah..
Then kalau saya bergossip dengan my gff, for sure org depan belakang tepi akan tahu kitorg ckp psl pe.. It could be irritating for them sometime..
Lagi la kalau tgh bergaduh, org akan ckp I raise my voice to fight..walhalnya saya hanya la menyatakan.. and sometime ada yg label saya as RUDE..

But deep inside, xde satu pun yg betul..
Saya memang biasa berbual dengan suara yg kuat, maybe sbb suara saya besar sikit kan.. So my 50% volume is equal to others 80% volume..
Kalau sy present dlm class pun, I don't think that I need a speaker or whatsoever, I can keep them awake all the time with just using my original voice.. Tuh kalau sy jerit memang dari hujung padang bola ke hujung akan boleh dengar saya..

and I keep it +ve always.. that I talk out loud so that people will get my information clear, so that in future later no one will misunderstand nor misuse any of my words.. Tapi that's it, people do misunderstand me..


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

JULY 2014

Hello Julyyyy!!!

Lamanya x blogging..
Da pindah, x pindah rumah tp pindah bilik je..
yg lain xde apa pun yg berubah..
Saya masih di sini, saya yg dulu..
Masih kais2, masih cari keje tetap..

Anyhow, selamat berpuasa..
Gonna be active here soon..