I don't know how to say this..
Da pernah buat check up pun, sonogram, ECG, Stress Test..
All is okay..
Tapi sakit neh datang juga..
Bila saya kata saya sakit..
Sakit dia bukan macam sakit perut masuk angin yg letak minyak angin je then nnt da lega..
Saya sakit, sakit sangat..
Saya sakit smpi kdg2 susah nak breathing, sampai kadang2 x sedar air mata da kua..
But, sometime it hurts more when you tell a person that you're in pain and they just thought it's nothing..
So I just keep it to myself..
First game saya okay lagi..
Second game, dia datang kejap2..
After third game tuh, I can feel the pain every time I breath..
And last game, I'm numb..
I hardly can't feel the air I breathe..
I can't do nothing.. Tapi percaya lah yg saya bagi yg terbaik dah..
I'm sorry that on the day, my best is only at 50%..
Now dah hari ke4 rest baru numbness neh rasa kurang..
Hurrrmmm, I don't know a single thing bout this painful thing..
Tapi saya takut to face it in future again..
Banyak saya fikir, sampaikan saya fikir utk quit futsal..
Yeah, maybe I have reached my limit kan..
Tapi...... I just hope I can know what, why & where this pain come from..
Alhamdulillah all went well so far for now.. =)
Owh, my Boo pula yang x sehat right now..
Sabar ye Boo, I will always pray for you..
Sesungguhnya sakit itu kan menghapuskan dosa2 kecil..
Terima kasih Allah & semoga semuanya akan okay balik.. =)