maDah bErhELah..

Only 2 kinds of people are happy in this world. 1. Mad 2. Child. So be mad to achieve whatever you desire and be like a child to enjoy whatever you achieve.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I wish upon a star

They said that a girl’s dream is higher than the tree top..
So I put my wishes upon the stars..
No, I do only believe in Allah s.w.t. ,
Part of me have lost in the beauty of His creation..
The stars.. I wish upon them..
Sometimes I see them, sometimes not..
But never do I have a doubt, against my dreams..
Sometimes I give up, but mostly I give in again..
But never do I lost my faith in Him, always..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Last 2012 note!

Goodbye 2012!!

It has been an awesome year for me..
Through all the ups & downs, loyalty & betrayal, I manage to end it with so cool.. =)

As usual, I have learned a lot tru those 12 months..
Kalau x sia2 ajelah 2012 neh utk sy kan..

I have seen a lot..
Sparks, champions, fames, sweats & even blood..
It do really develops the strength in me..
I have seen how an enemy have turns into a bestie and vice versa..
I have seen the people I've trusted to suddenly turns into a greedy monster & how they bite the hands that do usually feed them (as if)..

And for the beauty in 2012, I have found someone..
Someone who I can call as mine..
And he gives me courage for me to move forward, to become a better person in this opera of life.. hehe..

And as a summary I would like to thank all people yang passed tru me everydays in 2012..

Those yang manis di depan, lancang di belakang..
Those yang mendoakan dari dekat & jauh..
Those yang x kenal tapi sebok menjaja cerita..
Those yang always have faith in me..
Those who loves me..
Too many to mention but I am sincerely thankful with all of that.. =)

Semoga tahun 2013 ini kita semua akan berubah lebih ke arah kebaikkan..
